Public maps of mobile sites and public maps to compare mobile coverage in Europe 28 February 22 Dieter Kronegger

Public authorities have comprehensive geographical data about mobile network infrastructure which can be interesting for various purposes, for example site sharing by operators or to help end users in choosing the best service provider for their preferred locations. Our latest benchmark shows which European countries provide public maps of mobile sites and mobile coverage.

12 of the 21 European countries observed have one or more official maps showing the precise location of mobile masts. Such maps are usually provided by the spectrum regulator or the authority responsible for protection from electromagnetic fields. Only few countries publish data on the emitted power of electromagnetic fields for each site.

11 countries have operator-independent maps that allow end users to compare the coverage of the country's mobile network operators. These maps are typically based on simulated data delivered by the operators. Several regulators have also developed or endorsed mobile apps for end users, which measure the speed and quality of broadband connections.

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