global tech trends

A strategic, global perspective on new frontiers in technology and their impact on regulation and policy.

As telecoms, media, the digital economy and world politics converge, it's essential for organisations to have a global perspective on the wide-ranging trends shaping the future of the communications sector.

Our Global Trends service helps leaders understand the bigger picture and set strategic direction for their organisation.

Drawing together on-the-ground expertise from key markets around the world, it provides a unique, high-level view of the latest developments and their implications for decision makers across industry, government and regulators.

key trends covered

Platforms, digital services and content

Understand the complex and shifting roles of online platforms and services in debates around global economics, trade and regulation.

  • Digital payments
  • Market power of online platforms
  • Over-the-top voice and messaging platforms
  • Social media regulation

Stay on top of the latest developments in 5G and full-fibre coverage worldwide, as well as the wider relationship between global tech trends and internet connectivity.

  • 5G
  • Full fibre networks
  • Next generation satellites
  • Open radio access networks (open RAN)
Data economy

Follow the debate around privacy, data flows and artificial intelligence, and understand how new developments impact the global data economy.

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Data flows
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Privacy in the digital age

global geographic scope

12 key markets covered in-depth across 5 continents

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The future of communications regulation hinges on many complex technological, economic and geopolitical factors. Our global intelligence is here to help decision makers understand the different forces at work and see the bigger picture for their organisation.

With our own experts in multiple countries across the globe helping to report and benchmark, we offer a razor-sharp focus on the most important trends of the moment - delivered with the clarity and impartiality that have made us a trusted voice in regulation for over three decades.

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Keep abreast of compelling new developments with our short analyses from around the world. These timely trend spotters are based on original sources, organised in an interactive map, and link to further research for more in-depth analysis.

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Get ahead of the latest global developments with our regulatory reports. Providing a high-level summary of the top trending topics, their drivers and implications across multiple key markets, our reports help you read the pulse of the digital world.


Compare and contrast how different markets are responding to global tech trends shaping policy and regulation in the digital world. Our in-depth benchmarks deliver probing insights on new developments across key markets without losing sight of the bigger picture.

latest intelligence

African Union develops landmark continental AI strategy
12 July 24 Gilles Bana

African ICT and Communications Ministers unanimously endorsed a common Continental Artificial Intelligence (AI) Strategy and African Digital Compact in June 2024. The strategy aims to ensure that African countries maximise AI opportunities through a locally driven and inclusive approach on the development and use of the technology. This Global Trends Flash also observes that several African countries have recently been proposing or discussing AI strategies and plans at national level.

New cloud infrastructure partnership announced in Morocco and Senegal
05 July 24 Gilles Bana

Orange Middle East & Africa and Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced a new collaboration in May 2024 to bring advanced cloud technologies to customers in Morocco and Senegal. The new collaboration between a global cloud infrastructure provider and a large telecom group aims to address the limited availability of cloud infrastructure and services in Africa. This Global Trends Flash highlights the partners’ initiative as a significant step towards enhancing the digital economy on the continent.

Council of Europe adopts legally binding treaty on artificial intelligence
26 May 24 Elisar Bashir

All countries signatories to the framework convention on AI will need to adopt measures to address the risks posed by AI systems throughout their lifecycle. Such measures may include transparency and oversight requirements tailored to specific contexts and risks, including identifying content generated by AI systems. Parties to the treaty may also consider a moratorium or ban on certain AI systems.

EU and Kenya launch very first adequacy dialogue in Africa
25 May 24 Gilles Bana

Kenya and the European Union (EU) announced the start of an adequacy dialogue to explore the possibility of building a safe “personal data bridge” between the two economies. An EU adequacy decision for Kenya would be the first ever involving an African country, the EU representative noted. It could also significantly facilitate digital trade between Kenya and the EU, this Global Trends highlights.

Advanced robotics and sustainability at the core of China’s new industrial action plan
13 May 24 Elena Scaramuzzi

With its new industrial action plan 2024–2027 China will phase out outdated equipment from its manufacturing processes while promoting the use of robots and environmentally friendly equipment. The plan underlines the need to promote in-depth application of technologies such as AI, 5G internet of things (IoT), and edge computing in smart manufacturing processes and logistics, this Global Trends flash also highlights.

Singapore to update its cybersecurity legislation
03 May 24 Andre Moura Gomes

Singapore is expected to add new entities in scope of cybersecurity requirements. The proposed rules follow changes in cybersecurity requirements in the region, including in Australia and Malaysia. This Global Trends flash explains these recent changes in Australia and Malaysia and what would change in Singapore, the top start-up investment destination in Southeast Asia in 2023.

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