telecoms regulation

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At Cullen International, we’ve been in the frontline of telecoms regulation for over three decades. We provide a single, impartial, and expert view on both national and international topics, helping our clients save time and act with confidence. To see how we can help you, get in touch for a personal demo.

general topics covered

    Get up to date on regulatory frameworks, rules and reforms, such as the EECC Track and compare fibre network rollout, co-investment, and national broadband policy across the globe Stay informed on advances in mobile connectivity and the implications for radio spectrum policy and assignment
    The latest intelligence on duct sharing, unbundled access and VULA, broadband pricing rules, and more Compare how mobile operators share mobile infrastructure and how this is regulated, and understand the risks and opportunities for MVNOs Track and compare fixed and mobile call termination rates and regulation across the globe
    Follow developments in international roaming regulation, including Roam Like at Home in the EU Follow the debate on zero rating, as well as national policy and NRA powers to enforce net neutrality

geographical coverage

Americas (Data sheet)
Europe (Data sheet)
Middle East and North Africa (Data sheet)
Global Trends (Data sheet)

We’re trusted across the globe for our wide-ranging expertise in telecoms regulation. See our datasheets for more information on our services’ geographical coverage, including the full list of countries, organisations, and topics we report on.

consumer protection

Consumer protection is a major focus in telecoms regulation. Subscribe to our standalone consumer protection intelligence service, and you’ll have direct access to all our expertise in this area. Our reliable, easy-to-understand reports and country-by-country comparisons cover topics such as:

  • Net neutrality and zero rating
  • Quality of service indicators
  • Switching and portability
  • Transparency

latest intelligence

Tech sovereignty: Members of European Parliament intend to significantly amend far-right draft report
19 March 25 Martin Schraa

Members of the Parliament Industry (ITRE) committee noted several omissions in the draft report by Sarah Knafo (ESN, France), notably on spectrum policy and submarine cables.

Estonia deregulates copper and geographically regulates fibre
13 March 25 Merilin Kasesalu

Wholesale access to copper is now fully deregulated, while wholesale access to fibre remains regulated for about two-thirds of population. In a separate market for physical infrastructure access, the regulator imposed access to ducts and poles on the whole territory.

Two thirds of the European countries impose replicability tests
04 March 25 Alessandro Mauro

Ten of them apply the equally efficient operator test.

Chile imposes stricter user identification measures on telecom operators to prevent mobile phone theft and identity scams
28 February 25 Catalina Diaz Granados

Chile imposed new obligations on telecoms operators to verify the identity of users to prevent mobile phone theft and scams. From February 2025, telecoms operators must keep a register with detailed user information and set up a system that allows for the effective blocking of stolen or lost devices. A previous Subtel regulation required operators to use biometric identity verification for all procedures initiated by users.

Explainer: Net Neutrality
26 February 25 Teresa Felix

A note explaining the open internet principle in EU legislation, which requires providers of internet access services to treat all traffic equally – regardless of the type of content or services, the sender or receiver, or the equipment used.

Gigabit Infrastructure Act (GIA): upcoming European Commission guidance will not regulate land prices
24 February 25 Martin Schraa

The European Commission does not expect to issue detailed guidance on access to land under the GIA, which will apply from November 2025.

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