postal regulation

The postal sector is changing fast. As the traditional market enters a steep decline, e-commerce is driving rapid and unprecedented growth in parcel delivery - all of which has an impact on the way the sector is regulated.

At Cullen International, we provide independent and expert insight into the past, present and future of EU postal regulation. Subscribe to our intelligence services, and we’ll help you to stay informed as the sector evolves and to understand how that evolution affects you.

general topics covered

Universal service obligations

Use our Postal service to stay informed on the steps taken by regulators to maintain the sustainability of the universal service despite the decline in traditional postal volumes. Track and compare different national regimes, and anticipate new rules and reforms taking place at the EU level. Topics covered include :

  • Postal Services Directive
  • Universal service scope and changes
  • Price caps
  • Funding

E-commerce has led to rapid growth in the parcel sector, driving providers to innovate and diversify to rise to new challenges and meet changing consumer expectations. As national and EU level regulation is now increasingly focusing on this area, our intelligence services provide an essential independent resource on this transformative trend. Topics covered include:

  • Horizontal consumer protection rules
  • Postal sector rules on parcel delivery
  • Alternative means of delivery
  • VAT and customs

latest intelligence

ERGP investigates potential access issues in the parcel delivery segment
15 July 24 Celine Senay

On 25 June 2024, the European Regulators Group for Postal Services published a report on access to the infrastructure for the delivery of parcels. In particular, the report focused on out-of-home (OOH) delivery solutions, especially parcel lockers and pick-up drop-off (PUDO) points.

Postal stakeholders discuss vulnerable postal users at ERGP workshop
15 July 24 Michael van Maris van Dijk

At a public workshop held in Vienna on 20 June 2024, postal stakeholders and policymakers identified several different vulnerable groups which could be subject to special legal protections in a possible future revision of the EU postal regulatory framework. The ERGP organised the workshop, which was open to stakeholders from the postal industry for the first time. Generally, the ERGP workshops have only been accessible to postal national regulatory authorities of its member countries.

Second chamber of German parliament approves new Postal Act but asks for better protection of workers
05 July 24 Dieter Kronegger

The second chamber of German parliament, the Bundesrat, approved the new Postal Act but asked for better protection of workers in the parcel sector. The new postal law will enter into force after publication and will fully replace the Postal Act 1997. It will amend the postal universal service and rules for market access, and will strengthen the role of BNetzA, the German regulator.

Commission's postal study aims for comprehensive list of possible policy options and an assessment framework
01 July 24 Armen Ghalumyan

The main outputs of the European Commission's study on the future of the postal sector should be a comprehensive list of possible policy options and the establishment of a framework that will enable the impact of such policy decisions to be assessed. The third workshop on the study, held in Brussels and online on 26 June 2024, discussed the draft conclusions on these and other matters with postal stakeholders.

German parliament adopts new Postal Act
14 June 24 Dieter Kronegger

The first chamber of the German parliament, the Bundestag, adopted the new Postal Act on 13 June 2024. The new law will fully replace the Postal Act of 1997, amending the universal service and rules for market access, and strengthening the role of BNetzA, the German regulator. The Bundesrat, the second chamber of parliament, will vote on the bill on 5 July 2024.

Ofcom launches investigation into Royal Mail’s delivery performance during 2023/24
28 May 24 Armen Ghalumyan

Ofcom has launched an investigation into Royal Mail’s quality of service performance during 2023/24. The investigation was opened following Royal Mail’s announcement that it missed its regulatory delivery targets for first class and second class letters included in the universal service obligation. If the postal operator is found to have failed to comply with its regulatory obligations, Ofcom may impose a fine on Royal Mail.

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