postal regulation

The postal sector is changing fast. As the traditional market enters a steep decline, e-commerce is driving rapid and unprecedented growth in parcel delivery - all of which has an impact on the way the sector is regulated.

At Cullen International, we provide independent and expert insight into the past, present and future of EU postal regulation. Subscribe to our intelligence services, and we’ll help you to stay informed as the sector evolves and to understand how that evolution affects you.

general topics covered

Universal service obligations

Use our Postal service to stay informed on the steps taken by regulators to maintain the sustainability of the universal service despite the decline in traditional postal volumes. Track and compare different national regimes, and anticipate new rules and reforms taking place at the EU level. Topics covered include :

  • Postal Services Directive
  • Universal service scope and changes
  • Price caps
  • Funding

E-commerce has led to rapid growth in the parcel sector, driving providers to innovate and diversify to rise to new challenges and meet changing consumer expectations. As national and EU level regulation is now increasingly focusing on this area, our intelligence services provide an essential independent resource on this transformative trend. Topics covered include:

  • Horizontal consumer protection rules
  • Postal sector rules on parcel delivery
  • Alternative means of delivery
  • VAT and customs

latest intelligence

ERGP calls for clearer and more consistent postal price control mechanisms
20 January 25 Celine Senay

In December 2024, the European Regulators Group for Postal Services published a report on the regulation of end-user pricing within the postal sector. The ERGP’s report assessed the effects of having three different regulatory principles with overlapping scopes and policy goals on the postal sector. The report clarified and compared the definitions and assessment methodologies of the price control principles and proposed a set of recommendations.

ERGP suggests harmonising the definition of 'vulnerable users' to enhance consumer protection
17 January 25 Michael van Maris van Dijk

The European Regulators Group for Postal Services (ERGP) published a special report on the postal service needs of vulnerable users. The report included an overview of current measures, stakeholders and a range of policy suggestions aiming to strengthen protection of vulnerable users. The ERGP also published the final version of its 2025 work programme.

Spanish government significantly modifies financing rules for the postal universal service
10 January 25 Carmen Mateas

A new royal legislative decree extends the designation of Correos as the universal postal service provider by five years, modifies the existing postal USO financing regime and entrusts Correos with the provision of new services of general economic interest. The decree implements some of the provisions of the strategic framework for Correos that was approved earlier in 2024.

Norway consults on changes to universal service delivery
08 January 25 Peter Dunn

The Norwegian government is consulting until 17 March 2025 on whether to change the standard point of delivery for postal items from the home address of the recipient to the nearest post office. This is considered to be the most effective way to reduce the net cost of the postal universal service, which is becoming an increasing financial burden for the Norwegian state.

New German rules on the postal universal service enter into force
07 January 25 Dieter Kronegger

Most letters may now arrive within three days (D+3). The new law also designates Deutsche Post as the universal service provider, introduces several changes to the scope of the universal service and allows the establishment of automated post offices in rural areas.

Postal regulators divided on whether and how to add new environmental powers
18 December 24 Peter Dunn

Postal national regulatory authorities differ on whether there should be specific powers for them to intervene on environmental matters. A majority believed that it would be valuable to have a new power to gather data on environmental sustainability. However, regulators are divided on whether they should have powers to intervene specifically on environmental matters, with the majority being against a new power to set environmental targets.

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