Only Brazil in the Americas identifies IMT services in the upper 6 GHz band 12 February 25 Paola Herrera Hernández

Most countries in the Americas have decided to open the full 1,200 MHz of the 6 GHz band (5.9 to 7.1 GHz) to unlicensed use, generally with an emphasis on low power applications. However, Chile and Mexico only allowed the unlicensed use of the band in the lower part of the band (5925–6425 MHz).

The most recent development in the region is the Brazilian decision in January 2025 to identify the 6425–7125 MHz band for IMT services. In addition, Anatel, the Brazilian regulator, allowed very-low-power applications (VLP) indoor and outdoor in the band.  This adds to the USA’s decision to authorise VLP in the whole band from December 2024 (VLP has been allowed in parts of the band since November 2023).

Cullen International’s latest updated benchmark covers the status of the 6 GHz band in eleven countries in the Americas. The report shows current allocations and plans to use the band for IMT or unlicensed applications. The benchmark also includes power limits in the band.

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