Mastering EU environmental policy and practices 02 April - 03 April 25 | BRUSSELS, BELGIUM

Gain expert insight into the environmental policy and legislation affecting the EU, with a particular focus on the sectoral impact for digital communications, and for transport and delivery.



Wednesday, 02 April 2025

09:00 - Introductions
09:15 - Sustainability and the environment
09:45 - Who, what contributes most to GHGs
10:15 - Global developments and targets
10:45 - Coffee break
11:00 - Setting targets - EU and national
11:30 - Setting targets - organisations
12:00 - Reporting and responsibility - CSRD, CSDD
12:30 - Lunch break
14:00 - Using technology to reduce emissions
14:30 - Offsetting and carbon capture
14:45 - Coffee break
15:00 - Case study - offsetting and carbon capture
16:00 - Circularity and ecodesign
16:30 - Network and user equipment
17:00 - End of training day
19:00 - Dinner at Brighton restaurant (included)

Thursday, 03 April 2025

09:30 - Operation - data centres, delivery
10:00 - Retail and end user
10:15 - Case study - green claims
11:00 - Coffee break
11:15 - Waste and recycling
11:45 - EU legislation
12:15 - Recap
12:45 - End of training - Followed by lunch (included)


Thon Hotel EU

Rue de la Loi 75

1040 - Brussels

Google Map

For your convenience, we have arranged a temporary block booking with a preferential rate at the Thon Hotel EU. To book your accommodation at the venue, please use this booking form.

fee & registrations Standard fee: €1,936 Fee per delegate (VAT included)

21% Belgian VAT applies on ALL bookings

Benefit from a 10% early-bird discount by registering before 2 March 2025!

10% discount for multiple registrations from the same organisation.

Payments can be made by credit card or by bank transfer before the training starts. Registration will only be confirmed upon payment receipt.

Registration process and access to training material are available on Cullen International's training platform for registered users.

Register to this event


Peter Dunn Director of European Relations
Bianca Sofian Senior Sustainability Analyst
Michael van Maris van Dijk Senior Analyst
Emilie Degand Junior Analyst

contact information

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logistics & registrations

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