New Global Trends research on market power of Big Tech 25 February 21 Javier Morales Fhon

Policymakers around the world have started looking at possible approaches to address the competitive challenges posed by the market power of big tech companies across different sectors of the digital economy in their respective countries.

According to new global research by Cullen International, there are different approaches to face these challenges, depending on the respective countries’ aggressiveness in scrutinising the market power of online platforms and the potential issues that each country wants to prioritise in their policies.

Among the countries covered by the new Global Trends research, Brazil, Mexico, Singapore and Turkey conducted studies but for the time being maintain a “wait and see” approach over new rules. China and the US on the other hand, have been pursuing reforms in their existing competition frameworks.

Other countries covered in the new Cullen International research adopted or have proposed to adopt a “competition policy crossed with regulation” approach. Under this approach, ex post measures are combined with ex ante measures addressed to certain online platforms. With different levels of aggressiveness, this is the case of Australia, the European Union, India, Japan, South Africa, and South Korea.

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