Are current national plans in line with the EU-level 2030 connectivity targets? 06 September 23 Alessandro Mauro

EU member states must present their national strategic roadmaps towards reaching the digital decade policy programme (DDPP) targets to the European Commission by 9 October 2023 at the latest.

EU member states must provide Gigabit connectivity for all households and cover all populated areas with 5G or equivalent networks:

The national roadmaps due for 9 October 2023 must specify per target the measures that have been planned, adopted and implemented, along with allocated human resources and public funds. Member states must also estimate the investments further needed as well as the source of such investments.

Many European countries already adopted broadband connectivity targets in line with 2030 EU goals. Some member states are even more ambitious.

Some national plans were adopted years ago for the 2025 goals laid out in the EU Gigabit Society and 5G Action Plans set out in 2016, and may be updated or overtaken in view of the October DDPP deadline.

Cullen International’s benchmark reports the national targets currently set by member states. It also highlights if they are more or less ambitious than the DDPP targets (status 6 September 2023).

Where no national plans were adopted, or if they were referred to the old EU targets (EU 2025 Gigabit Society and 5G Action Plans), the plan is indicated as less ambitious. 

For fixed connectivity, seven member states out of 26 set more ambitious targets than the DDPP. 13 member states are in line with the EU targets.

For mobile connectivity, four member states out of 26 set more ambitious targets than the DDPP. Nine member states are in line with the EU targets.

For access to the benchmark, please click on “Access the full content” - or on “Learn more”, in case you are not subscribed to our European Telecoms service.



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