Our new global trend benchmark provides an overview of “who is doing what” in quantum technology. For each of 16 jurisdictions around the world the benchmark reports on:
- Latest strategies, plans, roadmaps, and related objectives announced by the government on quantum technology.
- Government entities involved in coordinating and implementing the quantum strategy, plan, or roadmap.
- Objectives, programmes and landmark achievements in each of the three key quantum technology domains (quantum communications, quantum computing and quantum sensing).
- Budgets allocated to quantum technology research and development (R&D).
- Latest developments and upcoming initiatives in quantum technology.
Key takeaways
- 13 out of 16 jurisdictions covered in this benchmark already issued a comprehensive strategy or policy covering quantum technology.
- Japan and the US spend over half of the approximately US$4bn per annum currently allocated to quantum R&D in the jurisdictions covered in this benchmark that disclose this information.
- Most of the investment in quantum-related research is in the quantum computing domain.
The 16 jurisdictions covered in this benchmark are: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, the European Union (EU), France, Germany, India, Japan, Korea, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States (US).
Furthermore, it is complemented by a background section, which:
- explains what quantum technology is;
- briefly discusses challenges and opportunities related with future uses of quantum technologies; and
- provides references to third-party estimates on the value of the quantum technology market.
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